| ![]() DOE-STD-1186-2004
Diverse: To avoid the increased likelihood of failure due to common-cause effects, diverse
controls should be employed to the extent practicable. In this context, diversity refers to
separate controls of a dissimilar nature (as distinguished from merely redundant controls).
The application of these principles acknowledges that an SAC may be included as a portion of
the ensemble of hazard controls that satisfies the Order's requirements for providing multiple
layers of protection to confine and mitigate radioactivity associated with the potential for
accidents with significant public radiological impact. When SACs are used in this capacity, they
should be formulated, implemented, and maintained following the guidance given in this
Standard for improving the dependability of these controls and enhancing their availability to
perform specific safety functions when needed.
The application of these principles also acknowledges that an SAC should not be designated as
the only control provided to confine and mitigate radioactivity associated with the potential for
accidents with significant public radiological impact, to ensure that exposure to a high
consequence accident does not come about due to failure of a single barrier.
DOE O 420.1A, Facility Safety, Section also requires that "Safety SSCs identified in
accordance with this section shall, commensurate with the importance of the safety functions
performed, be designed: (1) so that they can perform their safety functions when called upon to
operate, and (2) under a quality assurance program that satisfies 10 CFR 830.120." These
criteria also apply to SACs.
SACs should be formulated to reliably perform their safety function under those conditions and
events for which their safety function is intended, with an appropriate margin of safety. The
formulation should incorporate, commensurate with the importance of the safety function,
multiple levels of protection against normal, anticipated, and accident conditions.
The DSA required by 10 CFR 830.204 furnishes the technical basis for hazard controls. DOE
STD-3009 provides guidance to identify and document SC and SS SSCs as required in
Chapter 4 of a DSA. Where SACs are used, similar identification and documentation should be
provided in the DSA. For example, the reason for designating the control as an SAC and its
preventative or mitigative safety function should be discussed. A description of how the SAC is
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