| ![]() DOE-STD-1186-2004
compendium of good practices and describe key elements of programs that support operations
at DOE facilities. These may be applied to improve the dependability of SACs.
Two key elements of a proper conduct of operations program that can improve the dependability
of SACs are Independent Verification and Lockouts/Tagouts. Detailed guidance is provided in
DOE O 5480.19 for each of these program elements. The following discussion provides specific
guidance relative to improving the dependability of SACs.
Independent Verification
SACs, which require operation of components, or verification of components condition or
position, should be included in the facility's independent verification program. As such, these
verifications should be identified explicitly in facility procedures or other official documents.
DOE O 5480.19 provides the following specific guidance on Independent Verification Programs.
"Components that are critical to ensure safe and reliable operation should receive an
independent verification of their position when circumstances warrant. These
components should be identified explicitly in facility procedures or other official
documents so that unnecessary interpretation of requirements will be minimized."
Independent verifications supporting SACs should be conducted in a manner so that each
check constitutes an actual identification of the component or action, and a determination of
both its required and actual positions or condition. To be independent, the integrity of the
checks must be maintained by minimizing interaction between the personnel operating
components and those performing the independent verifications. For example, it is not always
possible to determine if an operator has completely shut or opened a valve by merely observing
the action; mistakes in component identification or requirement determination might not be
caught without both individuals reading the labels and procedures.
Lockouts and Tagouts
A Lockout /Tagout program as described in DOE O 5480.19 should be used to support
implementation of SACs where the SACs require that equipment, components or equipment
controls be placed in a specific position or condition during operations to support the safety
basis. Use of this program to support an SAC further ensures that the requirements of the
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