| ![]() DOE-STD-1186-2004
This Standard provides guidance applicable to Administrative Controls (AC) that are selected to
provide preventive and/or mitigative functions for specific potential accident scenarios, and
which, also have safety importance equivalent to engineered controls that would be classified
as Safety Class (SC) or Safety Significant (SS) if the engineered controls were available and
selected. This class of AC is designated as Specific Administrative Controls (SAC).
Similar to the classification of Structures, Systems, and Components (SSC) as Safety SSCs, not
all ACs requiring specific actions related to individual accident scenarios rise to the level of
importance of SACs, as discussed in the previous paragraph. Similar to SSCs of lower
importance, which are sometimes referred to as "important to safety" or "defense in depth"
SSCs, SACs of lesser importance can be addressed under the implementation of related Safety
Management Programs. However, when a specific action AC is elevated to the class of SAC,
then the guidance of this Standard should be used to enhance assurance of the effectiveness
and dependability of these important administrative controls beyond that which might be
experienced if the specific action AC were simply to be implemented under the auspices of a
Safety Management Program.
The organization of this Standard is as follows: Section 1 introduces the concept of SACs and
relates this to the existing requirements for derivation of safety bases, including hazard
analyses, identification of hazard controls, derivation of Technical Safety Requirements (TSR),
and the role of AC in the TSR. Section 1 also describes the general expectations for the
formulation, implementation, and maintenance of AC.
Section 2 provides guidance for criteria used to classify ACs as SACs, the application of the
safety approach from Department of Energy (DOE or Department) Order 420.1A, "Facility
Safety", to SACs, and how SACs are formulated, implemented, and maintained.
Section 3 provides guidance on measures, which should be used to improve the dependability
of SACs.
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