| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-95
3.0 DEFINITIONS This section provides the meaning intended for the terms and statements used
in DOE 0 425.1 and this standard. The description or discussion concerning the terms may be
expanded or more specific than definitions found in other DOE documents. However, use of the terms
and statements in this standard will remain consistent with definitions provided in other DOE
3.1 Breadth. The set of core requirements evaluated by the ORR team during conduct of the
3.2 Conclusion. A discussion of the final judgement of readiness and adequacy for a review area,
which considers the positive (strengths) and negative (findings) elements.
3.3 Core Requirement: A fundamental area or topic of review evaluated during an ORR to
assess whether a facility can be operated safely. The core requirements are subdivided into core
objectives to facilitate definition of the breadth of readiness reviews and to facilitate development of
review criteria. Core Requirements (CR) are prescribed in DOE 0 425.1. Core Requirements and
Core Objectives (CO) are included in Appendix 2 of this standard.
3.4 Corrective Action Plan. A defined and documented strategy for the correction of findings,
which defines the deficiency, describes the actions that will be taken, assigns responsibility for the
actions, discusses how the actions will address and correct the finding, and indicates the dates by
which the actions will be complete.
3.5 Criteria. Rules and tests against which the quality of performance for a core requirement can
be measured. Fundamental criteria are based on DOE Orders, policies, and on other statutory
requirements. Additional criteria may be based on Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
regulations, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) guides, professional codes and standards,
and best industry practices.
3.6 Declaration of Readiness to Operate. See Readiness to Proceed Memorandum.
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