| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-95
approved startup plan. Sections 5.4 and 5.9.2 describe the contents, preparation, and use of the ORR
Implementation Plan.
3.22 ORR Plan-of-Action. The document prepared by line management which describes the
breadth of the ORR and the prerequisites which must be met to start the ORR. It is the document by
which line management defines what will be evaluated by the ORR. Both the Contractor and DOE
will prepare a Plan-of-action which are submitted to the restart authority for approval. When the
specified content, review chain, and approval level are included in another plan, such as a startup
plan, it can serve as the ORR Plan-of-action for the particular new start or restart.
3.23 Planned Shutdown. A facility shutdown required to perform scheduled activities (such as
programmatic or equipment adjustments, reactor refueling, maintenance, surveillance, tests,
inspections, and/or safety upgrades) or for programmatic reasons unrelated to the facility's ability to
operate, such as a funding shortfall, is a planned shutdown.
3.24 Process. A series of actions that achieves an end or result.
3.25 Program Manager. The Headquarters individual, or designee, appointed by and under the
direction of a Secretarial Officer, who is directly involved in the operation of a facility under his or
her cognizance and who holds signature authority to provide technical direction through Operations
Offices to DOE contractors for these facilities.
3.26 Program Work. Work in a reactor or nonreactor nuclear facility that is accomplished to
further the goals of the facility mission and/or the program for which the facility is operated.
Program work is not accomplished when a facility is shutdown. Program work does not include work
that would be required to maintain the facility in a safe shutdown condition, minimize radioactive
material storage, or accomplish modifications and correct deficiencies required before program work
can recommence.
3.27 Reactor. Unless modified by words such as containment, vessel, or core, reactor means the
entire nuclear reactor facility, including the housing, equipment, and associated areas devoted to the
operation and maintenance of one or more reactor cores. Any apparatus that is designed or used to
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