| ![]() DOE-STD-3011-2002
maintenance are the primary activities being conducted at the facility. These activities are
necessary for satisfactory containment of hazardous materials and protection of workers, the
public, and the environment. Surveillance and maintenance activities include providing
periodic inspections and maintenance of structures, systems, and equipment necessary for the
satisfactory containment of contamination and for protection of workers, the public, and the
environment. Maintenance of the facility in a stable and known condition includes actions to
prevent the alteration in chemical makeup (e.g., chemical changes in material in storage tanks
leading to the creation of explosive mixtures), physical state, and/or configuration of a
hazardous substance or radioactive material. It also includes actions taken with regard to
physical SSCs (e.g., roofs, ventilation).
A DOE nuclear facility scheduled for transition surveillance and maintenance should
generally have some type of existing safety basis documentation, which covers the present
activities. This can range from very limited safety basis documentation to a DOE-approved
DSA. The BIO for transition surveillance and maintenance of a nuclear facility should make
maximum use of pertinent existing safety basis documentation for the facility. However, the
SAR (or DSA) that existed for the normal operational mission of the facility is not
appropriate for transition surveillance and maintenance because the safety concerns will be
The BIO for transition surveillance and maintenance of a nuclear facility should include
consideration of (1) hazards associated with the facility that exist because of the presence of
hazardous materials (e.g. storage of radioactive material); (2) hazards associated with the
conduct of surveillance and maintenance activities; (3) hazards associated with the alteration
in chemical makeup, physical state, and/or configuration of a hazardous substance or
radioactive material or the degradation of the physical state of the facility and its equipment
over time and; (4) natural phenomena hazards and their impact on the remaining life of the
facility. Particular attention should be paid to the potential long period of time that the
facility may remain in this mode of operation.
While it is true that DOE desires to expedite the ultimate disposition of excess facilities,
limitations of available resources can lead to extended periods of transitional surveillance and
maintenance, sometimes without deactivation having been accomplished. The issues of
potential alteration of chemical makeup, physical state, and or configuration of a hazardous
substance or radioactive material, or the degradation of the physical state of the facility and
its equipment over time, including safety SSCs, should be given special attention when this
may be the case.
DOE G 430.1-2, Implementation Guide for Surveillance and Maintenance during Facility
Transition and Disposition, provides guidance for the development of a Surveillance and
Maintenance Plan. The development of this Plan and the development of the safety basis for
the facility during transition surveillance and maintenance should be coordinated activities.
The format of DOE-STD-3009, chapters 2 through 6, should be used to organize the
information to the following extent (i.e., it is not expected that the full formatting down to the
lowest subsection descriptions in DOE-STD-3009 must be used).
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