| ![]() DOE-STD-3013-2000
has a 0.05 margin in keff is calculated to be 4.53 kg (9.98 lb.). The parameter keff
indicates the criticality status of an assembly of fissile and possibly other materials
a value of 1.0 indicates the critical condition (a self-sustaining reaction) and values
less than 1.0 indicate subcriticality, with smaller values signifying greater departures
from criticality. A margin of 0.05 (a keff of 0.95) is commonly used to assure
subcriticality. In other words, the smallest amount of plutonium that could go critical
is somewhat more than 4.53 kg. The 4.4 kg limit specified corresponds to the limit
for some shipping packages and allows a modest additional margin of safety. Note
Pu. This constraint
that the mass limit applies to all fissile species and not just
prevents potential criticality incidents involving stored fissile materials (i.e.,
Np, or higher plutonium isotopes) because the critical masses of these fissile
radioisotopes are greater than that of
In terms of plutonium mass, 5.00 kg (11.02 lb.) of plutonium oxide is equivalent to
4.40 kg (9.70 lb.) of plutonium metal. The oxide weight limit refers to the total mass
of the plutonium-bearing materials present, not just to the plutonium oxide content.
This constraint provides additional assurance of subcriticality by making the
conservative assumption that all the contents are pure plutonium dioxide. Mass
limits may be further limited by facility-specific considerations including
administrative criticality, radiation, and wattage (heat output) constraints. Note that
the mass limit does not imply subcriticality of arrays and the normal, more facility-
specific analyses are required to demonstrate criticality safety in storage and
For consistency, and through a similar reasoning process, the total mass of metal,
including alloying additions and other non-fissile species, is also limited to 5.0 kg
(11.02 lb.).
Finally, keeping the mass of the contents at or below 5.0 kg (11.02 lb.) ensures that
the safety envelope established through the container certification (drop testing)
program is maintained.
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