| ![]() DOE-STD-3013-2004
References are dominated by three types of information:
a. Operational experience in the United States and United Kingdom over the past five decades,
involving tens of thousands of plutonium storage containers
b. Published technical literature
c. New reports and unpublished information from the Materials Identification and Surveillance
(MIS) project of the DNFSB 94-1 Research and Development program led by Los Alamos
National Laboratory
All recent LANL and SRS reports referenced in this Standard have been peer reviewed and are
openly available.
Referenced documents in Appendix A and Appendix B are referred to by the authors' names and
dates of publication. The citations are as follows:
ACS 1995
"Fire and Polymers II, Material and Tests for Hazard Prevention," G. L.
Nelson, Editor, American Chemical Society, 1995
The Chemistry of Plutonium, J. M. Cleveland, American Nuclear
ANS 1979
Society, La Grange Park, Ill., 1979
Plutonium Handbook, O. J. Wick, ed., Volumes I and II, The American
ANS 1980
Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Ill., 1980
ANSI 1997
"American National Standard for Radioactive Materials Leakage Tests
on Packages for Shipment," American National Standards Institute,
New York, 1997, ANSI N14.5-97
Berg/Eller 1999
"Literature Survey of Methods to Determine Moisture Levels in Impure
Plutonium Materials," J. Berg and P. Gary Eller, LA-UR-98-2223,
January 1999
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