| ![]() DOE-STD-3013-2004
Container Construction
1. Use of low-carbon stainless steels, such as 304 L and 316 L, is recommended with
316 L being preferable to 304 L because of its greater corrosion resistance. Both
materials are justified on the basis of extensive experience in this and similar types
of service. Stainless steels 301, 302, and 303 are not recommended due to their
relatively low concentrations of alloying additions. The use of higher alloyed
materials is probably beneficial to container failure resistance, but given the less
thorough analysis of these alloys in the literature, it may be prudent to avoid their
use at this time.
A recent report on corrosion [Kolman 1999] strongly recommends low carbon grades
of stainless steel to avoid sensitization to stress corrosion cracking (SCC). The report
also notes the importance of welding techniques that will not sensitize the steel to
SCC. More information from Kolman's report can be found in Section A. of this
2. The Assessment Report [DOE 1994a, 1994c] describes radiolytic effects with plastics,
hydrogenous compounds, and organic materials during storage of plutonium-bearing
materials. Prolonged plutonium storage necessitates exclusion of such materials from
sealed containers because radiolysis and thermolysis of organic material can produce
combustible and corrosive gases and increase pressure within sealed containers.
Radiation and heat also can potentially change the composition of organic materials
so that they no longer perform their intended packaging function. Therefore, such
materials should not be used in fabricating the inner or outer containers.
Elastomeric seals on food-pack cans have been used for storage of plutonium.
Although such containers have been used successfully with little or no significant seal
degradation, this Standard conservatively excludes them from use.
3. The outer container is sized to fit into existing certified or currently proposed
shipping containers (primarily the 9975 and SAFKEG packages). This design will
minimize future handling and avoid unnecessary additional personnel exposure,
operational risk, and waste generation.
Container Testing Criteria
1. Design Qualification Testing
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