| ![]() DOE-STD-3013-2004
Design Pressure
A characteristic of a sealed container which indicates its ability to
withstand internal pressurization. In the language of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, it is the "Maximum Allowable
Working Pressure."
Fabricated Fuel
Nuclear reactor fuel elements (pins, plates, assemblies, etc.)
consisting of plutonium-bearing material completely contained
within a cladding (including end fittings), manufactured and
maintained with a very high quality and quality assurance.
Free Gas Volume
That portion of the sealed package that is available to the fill gas
and any gases generated during storage. See Appendix B for further
Irradiated Fuel
Nuclear material, including Fabricated Fuel, that in its existing form,
has been subjected to irradiation in a nuclear reactor or accelerator
and that consequently delivers an external radiation dose requiring
special containment and handling.
Loss on Ignition
Mass loss measured after a weighed sample is heated in air to a
material temperature of 1000C for at least one hour, to measure
any weight change due to residual volatile species.
Material Temperature
The lowest temperature within a mass of heated material. In other
words, all of the material is at or above this temperature.
Plutonium Oxide with accompanying non-plutonium constituents
that have been exposed to oxidizing conditions. Non-plutonium
constituents include other actinides, such as uranium and
americium, and compounds, such as magnesium oxide and sodium
chloride, derived from chemicals used in plutonium or fuel materials
The assembled combination of containers required by this Standard
(an inner and an outer), together with the contained plutonium-
bearing materials and any additional interior convenience containers
into which they have been placed.
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