| ![]() DOE-STD-3014-96
Exposure Screening: A preliminary conservative estimate of the potential offsite effects from
an aircraft crash impact that allows all identified hazardous chemical and radioactive materials
to be released. Facilities meeting recommended guidelines do not have to be evaluated in
terms of aircraft impact frequency analysis.
Facility: As used in this standard, an area of interest for the purpose of performing aircraft
crash impact analysis involving either individual structures or buildings; portions of structures or
buildings (such as critical structures, systems, and components [SSCs]); or a multibuilding or
multistructure conglomeration such as a storage tank farm or munition magazine complex. The
facility should be defined as the collection of such structures that could be affected by a single
aircraft impact.
Fatal Injury: As defined by the NTSB, any injury that results in death within 30 days after the
Flight Phase: The portions of an aircraft flight that are distinctly different due to the
configuration of the aircraft and/or the conditions under which the flight is taking place. In
general, there are seven distinct phases per flight. These are: takeoff roll, initial climb, climb to
cruise, cruise/in-flight, descent from cruise, approach, and landing roll. For this standard, the
seven phases were grouped into three main flight phases:
Takeoff phase, which includes the takeoff roll and the initial climb;
In-flight phase, which includes the climb to cruise, cruise/in-flight, and the descent
from cruise; and
Landing phase, which includes the landing approach and the landing roll.
Flight Source: An aircraft activity (e.g., either airport operations or nonairport operations) that
is assumed to contribute to the overall aircraft crash impact frequency and, thus, is included in
the analysis. This standard addresses two types of flight source: (1) airport operations and
(2) in-flight or nonairport activities, including the special case of deliberate overflights involving
observation and local operations aircraft. For example, if there are three airports within the
distance inclusion criteria, then there are four flight sources to be included in the analysis (three
airport sources and one nonairport source).
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