| ![]() DOE-STD-3014-96
The list of the release scenarios that contribute to the total release
frequency exceeding the release frequency evaluation guideline. (Derived)
The frequency of each such release scenario. (Derived)
The hazardous material source term for each of the listed release
The exposure level to the maximally exposed individual at or beyond the
site boundary for each of the listed release scenarios.
Further Analysis. No further analysis is envisioned by this standard. In the vast majority
of cases, analysis taken to this point should provide sufficient information and insights
upon which to base decisions regarding the need for preventive or mitigative actions to
reduce risk from aircraft crash. However, the standard recognizes that this may not
always be the case, and therefore does not preclude further analysis. Such an analysis
would likely be a formal probabilistic risk assessment incorporating features such as
evaluation of crash/impact/release frequencies and structural response by specific aircraft
type (rather than subcategory), development of probabilistic fragility curves for structural
response, and quantification of distributions representing the analyst's state of knowledge
concerning total population exposures, health effects, and cleanup area associated with
the release scenarios. Guidance on the methods for performing such additional analysis
is beyond the scope of this standard.
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