| ![]() DOE-STD-3014-96
The exposure screening guidelines. (Defined)
The amount and form of hazardous material contained in the facility.
(Available from existing facility design and operation documents)
The distance from the facility to the site boundary. (Available from
existing facility site drawings)
The amount of material that would have to be present in the facility to
create the potential for site boundary exposure guidelines to be
Impact Frequency Evaluation. The impact frequency evaluation consists of performing a
conservative assessment of the expected frequency per year of an aircraft impacting a
facility of interest. This evaluation takes into account the site-specific and crash-specific
parameters that affect aircraft impact frequency. No assessment is made of the severity
of the postulated aircraft impact into the facility, nor are the specific aircraft types
identified as part of the analysis. However, these data are available if, after this
evaluation, structural response analysis is required. The results of the impact frequency
evaluation are expressed in terms of the annual impact frequency for the facility of
interest. The requirements for the impact frequency evaluation are provided in Section
5.3. The calculated total annual impact frequency (summed over all aircraft categories)
is compared to the impact frequency evaluation guideline provided in Section 4.2. If the
guideline is not exceeded, the results are documented. If the guideline is exceeded, the
analysis should proceed to the next step.
The impact frequency evaluation guideline. (Defined)
A list of the applicable flight sources within specified distances from the
facility. (Data)
A list of aircraft categories/subcategories for each applicable flight
source. (Data)
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