| DOE-STD-3014-96
Source Term Guidance for Hazardous Chemical Releases. Source term
development for exposure evaluation for hazardous chemical releases
will be consistent with the guidance provided in Appendix D, Section D.2.
Exposure Calculation. Once a refined source term has been developed based on
the structural response of the facility to the postulated aircraft impact, onsite and
offsite exposures can be reassessed in accordance with Section 7.2, "Exposure
Screening." If the offsite screening guideline (and the onsite screening guideline
when deemed necessary) is met by the refined source term, no additional analysis
of aircraft impact (i.e., meteorological dispersion and consequence assessment) is
required. If the offsite screening guideline (and the onsite screening guideline
when deemed necessary) cannot be met, additional analysis will be performed to
assess the consequences of the release. Additional guidance is provided in
Appendix D, Section D.1 (for radioactive material) and Section D.2 (for hazardous
chemicals) to aid the analyst in defining the release scenarios and selecting the
appropriate dispersion models and parameters. Notwithstanding the guidance
provided, credit will not be taken for evacuation or medical treatment of receptors,
or for passive or active mitigation due to building confinement and rubble effects.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures,
Second Edition with Worked Examples. Center for Chemical Process Safety, 1992.
United States Department of Energy, Preparation Guide for U.S. Department of Energy
Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Safety Analysis Reports. DOE-STD-3009-94, July 1994.
United States Department of Energy, Hazard Categorization and Accident Analysis
Techniques for Compliance with DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports.
DOE-STD-1027-92, December 1992.
United States Department of Energy, Recommended Values and Technical Bases for
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