| DOE-STD-3014-96
The total annual impact frequency for those aircraft
categories/subcategories that have not been shown to have no effect on
the facility, i.e., those aircraft subcategories that could result in facility
damage affecting hazardous material or its confinement (i.e., the initial
release frequency)
Release Frequency Evaluation. The release frequency evaluation step is a refinement
that takes into account the fact that not all impacts from aircraft subcategories that
damage the facility will necessarily result in a release. This process considers how much
of the facility is damaged, whether the hazardous material available in the facility is
impacted or affected through secondary mechanisms, and (to a limited extent) what
release mechanisms impact the material. For each impact location that results in
damage, the structural analysis has already provided the extent of that damage (the
"damage level"). Each of these damage levels would now be converted into an event
scenario to determine whether a release could actually occur. For each scenario, the
frequency of the aircraft impact would be modified to account for the fraction of the overall
facility area to which that level of damage applies. The release frequency is calculated by
summing the event scenario frequencies for all event scenarios that are determined to
lead to an actual release. The methodology for the analysis is provided in Section 5.5.
This result is compared to the release frequency evaluation guideline provided in
Section 4.5. If the guideline is not exceeded, the results are documented. If the guideline
is exceeded, the analysis should proceed to the next step.
The release frequency evaluation guideline. (Defined)
The list of aircraft subcategories whose impact into the facility could result
in facility damage potentially leading to a release. (Derived)
The annual impact frequency for each such aircraft subcategory. (Derived)
For each of these subcategories, the impact locations that could result in
such facility damage. (Derived)
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