| ![]() DOE-STD-3014-96
The analyst should then measure the distance along the x axis from the center of the
airport to the intersection point. This is the magnitude of x. If the direction of flight is
toward the facility, x is positive; if the direction of flight is away from the facility, x is
negative. Then measure from the intersection point to the facility. This is the
magnitude of y. If the facility is to the left of the positive x axis (direction of flight), y is
positive; if the facility is to the right of the positive x axis (direction of flight), y is
negative. In this example, the orthonormal distance for Airport 2, Runway 0, is
(8.9, - 0.8), and the orthonormal distance for Airport 2, Runway 18, is (-8.9, 0.8).
The next step is to determine the crash location probability f(x, y) for each category of
aircraft and flight phase at each airport. For commercial and general aviation, this is
straightforward; the analyst reads the value defined by the coordinates determined
above. For military aviation, the analyst first needs to determine the pattern side with
respect to the direction of flight and then use the correct table. For example, for
Airport 2, Runway 0, the pattern side is to the left, and the analyst should use
Tables B-7, B-9, B-11, and B-13. For Airport 2, Runway 18, the pattern side is to the
right of the direction of flight, and the analyst should use Tables B-6, B-8, B-10,
and B-12.
The analyst should then enter the crash rates from Table B-1 into the data collection
tables. After this is completed for all the airports, the data collection tables (based on
Table B-21) should look like Tables B-28 through B-33.
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