| DOE-STD-3015-2001
recognized superior technical backgrounds with varied experience in high
consequence operations (qualities sought after in the selection process are provided in
section 1.4). These members are added to the NESSG to provide a more diversified
perspective on NES Studies. Therefore, NESSG senior technical advisors shall have
distinctly different qualification requirements than other NESSG members and chair.
Senior technical advisors shall be provided general orientation training on nuclear
explosive operations and the NES Study process prior to assignment to an NESSG.
Following completion of this orientation training, the Operations Officer Manager, or
designee, shall formally certify the senior advisors. This consists of verifying that the
individual has met the qualification requirements. This certification is valid for one
year and must be current at the time an NESSG activity convenes.
Background and Experience
1.4.1 The minimum education and experience for NESSG chair and members is listed
Bachelor of Science degree in engineering or a related technical discipline
from an accredited college or university, or equivalent and relevant on-the-job
experience. Advanced technical degrees are preferred.
Must have a minimum of five years of experience in the operation,
management, or oversight of high consequence operations (e.g., nuclear
explosives, nuclear reactors, etc.).
1.4.2 The following are the types of qualities sought in selecting NESSG senior
technical advisors:
Recognized senior-level scientist or engineer with broad technical and
managerial experience.
Expert knowledge of relevant technical disciplines, such as seismic
phenomena, lightning, high explosives, or electrical engineering.
Experience with the review, approval, operation, and management of high-
consequence production, manufacturing, and/or power plant operations.
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