| DOE-STD-3015-2001
Define the following terms and discuss the purpose of each:
Design basis.
Engineer safety features.
Safety analysis.
Describe the requirements for the scope and content of a nuclear SAR and
discuss the general content of each of the required sections of the report.
2.2.6 The candidate must have knowledge of DOE M440.1-1, DOE Explosive Safety
Manual. The candidate shall be able to:
Discuss the purpose and scope of the manual.
Discuss the applicability of the requirements in the manual to nuclear
explosive operations.
2.2.7 The candidate must have knowledge of DOE Order 5480.19, Conduct of
Operations Requirements for DOE Facilities, necessary to ensure
implementation. The candidate shall be able to:
Discuss the purpose and major sections of DOE Order 5480.19.
Referring to DOE Order 5480.19 and its attachments, describe the methods of
measuring performance.
Discuss the concept of graded approach and how it applies to the
implementation of conduct of operations.
Discuss 10 CFR 830 and its relationship to the Price-Anderson Act.
Explain the role of lessons learned to operations and sources for identifying
lessons learned and industry experience.
2.2.8 The candidate must have knowledge of fire protection systems and their effects
on nuclear explosive safety. The candidate shall be able to:
List the various types of fire protection systems that service NEAs and
describe the effects of their use on the safety of NEOs and associated
Discuss the provisions contained in joint DOE/DoD Technical Publication
20-11, General Fire Fighting Guidance, and apply each to a fire situation
involving nuclear explosives in DOE custody.
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