| DOE-DP-STD-3023-98
should be prioritized separately from the option of selecting either one by itself. If no
adequate set of independent decision options can be defined, a prioritization logic that
explicitly models decision option interdependencies should be employed, and the
effects of the interdependencies discussed in the final report.
9.2 Guidelines Primarily Associated with Completeness.
Guideline 2.1-- Identification of Decision Objectives. DOE management has identified
high-level decision objectives for the Department, which are listed in Table I. These
decision objectives should be considered candidates for RBP implementation.
TABLE l. DOE High-Level Decision Objectives
Maximize Accomplishment of Mission
Minimize Adverse Effects upon Public Health and Worker Safety
Minimize Adverse Effects upon the Environment
Maximize Compliance with Regulations
Minimize Adverse/Maximize Desirable Socioeconomic Impacts
Maximize Safeguards and Security Integrity
Maximize Cost Effectiveness
Maximize Public Trust and Confidence
Discussion. The decision objectives listed above constitute the broad range of
considerations for prioritizing DOE decisions. The end objectives that need to be
achieved should be specified by providing resources for the activities in the DOE
program or problem area. Objectives are important because they define the type of
consequences (impacts) of activities that must be evaluated within the RBP effort.
When specifying the subset of these objectives for use in a particular prioritization
effort, the decision options to be prioritized should be compared to these objectives. If
any objective is shown to be irrelevant to the decision options (i.e., implementing any
of the decision options will not affect the degree to which a particular objective is met),
that objective should be excluded from the scoring. However, a case should be made
and documented as to why such exclusions are valid. It should be kept in mind that it
may be necessary to further refine an objective to fully address all the important
aspects of achieving that objective. In that case, lower tier objectives should be
identified. Some examples are provided in Table II.
Guideline 2.2-- Statement of Decision Objectives. Statements of decision objectives
should specify the object of value, context, and direction of preference.
Discussion. To be useful, statements of decision objectives should indicate the object
that is valued, define the context or relevant scope, and be specified such that
preferences are a monetized function of some measurable aspect of the object of
value. For example, an objective might be stated as " inimize adverse health effects
to workers engaged in cleanup activities." This statement conveys the object of value
" uman health and safety protection,"the context " ffects to workers engaged in
cleanup activities,"and the direction of preference " inimize."
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