| ![]() DOE-STD-3025-99
establishing ongoing personnel maintenance and re-certification programs that assure
personnel remain qualified to carry-out required FTF activities.
Physical and technical qualifications of personnel responsible for inspection and testing,
supervision of inspection and testing, and interpretation of inspection and test results,
shall be documented. Documentation shall include written evidence of the dates and
extent of instruction and formal training, and shall be signed by a responsible supervisor.
The supervisor's signature will certify satisfactory demonstration of the individual's
ability to perform all job functions.
Retention of Records. Personnel records shall be retained for the duration of
the individual's assignment to the FTF, and shall be subject to audit and re-
certification by demonstration as specified by facility procedures. Re-
certification will be required at intervals to be defined in facility operating
At the end of each fiscal year (September 30) and half fiscal year (March 31), each FTF shall
prepare a report describing test activities for the previous 6-month period, including a tabulation
of test data as described below. Copies shall be sent only to the Technical Support Contractor
and to DOE. Further distribution of HEPA filter test data shall be at the discretion of DOE.
Report Content
The content of the semiannual report shall meet the requirements specified in section
10.2 of this standard. Narrative information, including explanations of trends or
problems observed during the report period, shall be provided.
Data Summary
A summary of HEPA filter test data during the report period shall be presented in table
form. As a minimum the tabulation shall provide the following data for each HEPA
filter tested:
Name of purchaser and manufacturer.
Nominal airflow rating in cfm.
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