| ![]() DOE-STD-3028-2000
A welded closure is preferred because it is believed to provide the best combination
of features such as design qualification test performance, ease of assembly under
production conditions, container (package) payload capacity, and achievement of a
50-year life. Other closure techniques, such as those involving metal gaskets or
metal O-rings are also acceptable. However, these techniques must demonstrate a
50-year life and pass the design qualification tests described in Section
The material container (convenience container) is a container that is used to transfer
U-bearing material. A material container is not required in packaging and is not
considered an isolation barrier by this Standard. Use of a material container can
reduce the potential for contamination during loading and closure of the inner
container, facilitate packaging, and may provide an additional material barrier.
2. These requirements simply provide functionality in the design.
3. Storage of 233U-bearing material must comply with existing safeguards and security,
physical inventory, and audit and surveillance directives, which rely on
nondestructive assays as a technique for validation. These requirements call for
routinely assaying stored materials for process, accountability, and inventory
controls. Safeguards and security, physical inventory, and audit and surveillance
procedures should be done concurrently with packaging and storage.
4. The specified design pressure of 2070 kPa (300 psia) is sufficient to contain the
pressure generated under conditions described in Appendix B, Section B.6. These
conditions bound the planned repackaging operations at ORNL.
5. The outer can does not qualify as an American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) pressure vessel under the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Code because
the diameter of the can is less than 15.24 cm (6 in.). Paragraph 6, Pressure Safety,
of Attachment 1 to DOE Order 440.1, requires that the ASME code or an alternative
design code equal or superior to the intent of the ASME code be used when national
consensus codes are not applicable. In accordance with this Standard, the pressure
containment vessel is designed to ASME requirements and the fabricator
manufactures the vessel according to code, but does not stamp the vessel as
complying with the code. This approach should be used in application of this
Standard by designing and manufacturing the outer storage container to ASME
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