| ![]() DOE-STD-3028-2000
Engineered Materials
1. Ceramic material, consisting of high-fired 233U-thorium oxide pellets clad with Zircaloy
or packaged in stainless steel and having a historical record of quality assurance
meeting the intent of 10 CFR 830.120 or the applicable quality program at the time of
manufacture, meets all the requirements of Section 6.1.2 without additional
stabilization or testing. Pellets extracted from such rods are also considered to meet
all the requirements of Section 6.1.2 at the time they are declad. Clad metal fuel with
a similar assurance of cladding integrity meets all the requirements of Section 6.1.1.
2. Unclad, high-fired ceramic fuel pellets that satisfy Criterion are considered to
meet the requirements of Section 6.1.2 without additional treatment. Such mixed
oxide pellets that cannot meet the requirements of Criterion shall be
stabilized according to Criterion, and shall meet Criterion of this
Standard prior to packaging.
Storage after Stabilization Deferred Packaging
1. Oxides that previously have been stabilized as specified in Criterion met the
criteria specified in at the time of stabilization. These would be
placed in a closed container (such as a convenience can) and be packaged into the
inner and outer sealed containers described in this Standard without additional
stabilization, provided the container and contents appear unchanged and the volatile
content can be shown to be less than 0.5 wt%, for example by a re-weighing. The
residual volatile content may be determined, for example, by measurement at the
time of packaging into the inner container or by adding any weight gained during the
time between stabilization and packaging into the inner container to the determined
volatile content at the time of stabilization.
Containers the "Packaging"
Container Design Concept
1. The container assembly shall consist of stabilized material in a minimum of two
individually sealed, nested containers. One container provides the pressure
boundary to prevent release of the contents. The other container provides an
additional isolation boundary. The outer and inner containers shall be sealed by
welding or by other techniques that meet or exceed the performance characteristics
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