| ![]() DOE-STD-3028-2000
protection against all perils such as major fires and earthquakes; design of the facility and of the
storage array are expected to address these considerations.
A.7.3 Radiation Shielding
Uranium-233, with its associated contaminant isotope 232U, presents more severe external
radiation hazards than any of the naturally occurring uranium isotopes do. Massive biological
shielding is required, where high concentrations of 232U occur, to protect personnel from the
2.6 MeV (4.17E-6 erg) gamma emission of 232U daughter product, 208Tl. The occupational
radiation exposure should be kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) and radiation
protection be provided as specified in 10 CFR 835, "Occupational Radiation Protection." Dose
rates are dependent on the source (e.g., activity, geometry, and matrix), shielding, and source-
to-detector configuration, so expected dose rates for actual conditions should be determined on
a case-by-case basis.
Except for spontaneous fission, neutrons are not directly produced during the radioactive decay
of any of the uranium isotopes or the sequential decays. However, alpha-neutron reactions, in
the facility itself may serve as a shield.
A.7.4 SNM Safeguards
DOE requirements for safeguards are given in DOE O 470.1, DOE O 471.2A, DOE O 472.1B,
DOE 474.1, and DOE 5632.7A.
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