| ![]() DOE-STD-3028-2000
This Standard applies to all DOE organizations and their contractors as defined in their
The following references are called out in this Standard.
10 CFR 20, "Standards for Protection Against Radiation"
10 CFR 70.4, "Domestic Licensing of SNM. Definitions"
10 CFR 830.120, "Nuclear Safety Management, Quality Assurance Requirements"
10 CFR 835, Appendix D, "Occupational Radiation Protection, Surface Radioactivity Values"
49 CFR 178, "Specifications for Packagings"
ANSI N14.5, "Standard for Radioactive Materials Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment,"
American National Standards Institute, Inc., New York, NY
DOE O 420.1, "Facility Safety," October 13, 1995
DOE O 440.1A, "Worker Protection Management for DOE Federal and Contractor Employees,:
March 27, 1998
DOE O 470.1, "Safeguards and Security Program," June 21, 1996
DOE O 471.2A, "Information Security Program," March 27, 1997
DOE O 472.1B, "Personnel Security Activities," March 24, 1997
DOE O 474.1, "Control and Accountability of Nuclear Materials," August 11, 1999
DOE 5480.21, "Unreviewed Safety Questions," December 24, 1991
DOE 5480.22, "Technical Safety Requirements," Change 2, January 23, 1996
DOE 5480.23, "Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports," Change 1, March 3, 1994
DOE 5632.7A, "Protective Force Program," Change 1, February 13, 1995
DOE-TSPP-9, "Maintenance of DOE Technical Standards," June 1, 1999
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