| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5502-94
EM facility grouping and safety and health hazard identification and control
The integration of similar hazard identification and control analyses in
different documents; and
The development and maintenance of safety and health documents.
The priorities placed on the development, maintenance, and implementation of safety
and health hazard identification and control shall provide both workers and the public
appropriate levels of protection.
1.2 Applicability. This standard applies to the classification, development, review and
approval of hazard identification and control documentation for EM facilities. This
standard is currently a limited technical standard but may be broadened at a later time
for other DOE elements. This standard applies to all life cycle stages of an EM facility
including construction, operations, deactivation, decommissioning and
decontamination, removal, disposal, and remediation. Startup or restart of facilities is
not included in this standard. This subject is covered in DOE 5480.31, Startup and
Restart of Nuclear Facilities, and DOE-STD-3006-93, Planning and Conduct of
Operational Readiness Reviews. This standard also does not cover DOE facilities that
are under the jurisdiction of the NRC.
This standard contains criteria for the grouping of EM facilities into nuclear,
radiological, non-nuclear, or industrial. The grouping of facilities is solely for the
purpose of determining the type, grading, and complexity of the hazard identification
and control documentation (and corresponding review and approval process).
Enforcement of requirements (rules, Departmental Directives, or S/RIDs) is based on
the inventory and the form of the hazards involved rather than the groupings discussed
herein. This standard provides guidance on complying with and integrating various
requirements on hazard identification and control documentation, and provides
supplementary detail on how to comply with these requirements.
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