| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5502-94
All key terms used in this standard are defined as follows:
3.1 Authorization Basis are those aspects of the facility design basis and operational
requirements relied upon by DOE to authorize operation. These aspects are considered to
be important to the safety of facility operations. The authorization basis is described in
documents such as the facility Safety Analysis Report and other safety analyses; Hazard
Classification Documents, the Technical Safety Requirements, DOE-issued safety
evaluation reports, and facility-specific commitments made in order to comply with DOE
rules, Orders or policies.
(DOE 5480.21)
3.2 Decommissioning means the process of closing and securing a facility or storage
facility with radioactive or hazardous material so as to provide adequate protection from
radiation and hazardous material exposure and to isolate radioactive contamination and
hazardous material from the human environment. ( DOE 5480.30)
3.3 Decontamination means the act of removing a chemical, biological, or radiologic
contaminant from, or neutralizing its potential effect on a person, object or environment by
washing, chemical action, mechanical cleaning, or other techniques. (DOE 5480.30)
3.4 Facility Any equipment, structure, system, process, or activity that fulfills a specific
purpose. Examples include accelerators, storage areas, fusion research devices, nuclear
reactors, production or processing plants, coal conversion plants, magnetohydrodynamics
experiments, windmills, radioactive waste disposal systems, and burial grounds,
environmental restoration activities, testing laboratories, research laboratories,
transportation activities, and accommodations for analytical examinations of irradiated and
unirradiated components.
(DOE 5000.3B)
3.5 Graded Approach means a process by which the level of analysis, documentation, and
actions necessary to comply with the requirements of this part are commensurate with: (1)
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