| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5502-94
DOE-STD-1027-92 identifies the threshold between a category 3 and a below category
3 nuclear facility as a comparison of the total segmented inventory with the values in
Attachment 1 (to DOE-STD-1027-92) . The quantity limits in Attachment 1 were
calculated, in general, by taking the product of the airborne release fraction and
effective dose equivalents from different sources (e.g. inhalation, ground
contamination, and cloud shine). For most EM applications, quantity limits in
Attachment 1 are valid. For some applications such as the movement of contaminated
soil or groundwater restoration, other release mechanisms and release fractions may
be more appropriate. DOE-STD-1027-92 currently recommends further hazard
evaluation where the use of the levels shown in the attachment are not valid. A EM
DOE working group is currently developing specific methodologies to address some of
these other processes. Category 3 is used to establish a demarcation between
nuclear and radiological facilities.
The basis for the application of 29 CFR 1910.119 is the inventory quantity of
hazardous substances which is determined by gross amounts (unadjusted by process)
of hazardous materials. It was promulgated to prevent and mitigate the effects of
major accidents at chemical facilities which can result in loss of life to the workers.
The thresholds in 29 CFR 1910.119 are used to trigger PSM, the results of which
would be incorporated in the operative hazard baseline documentation.
The releasable quantities in 40 CFR 302 are used to establish the dividing line between
radiological or non-nuclear facilities and other EM industrial facilities. The same
methodology as described in regard to DOE-STD-1027-92 should be used for this
determination, including the release fraction in Attachment 1(for cases where the
fraction is valid). The methodologies developed by the EM working group on hazard
categorization should be used for other cases. The levels in 40 CFR 302 are based on
the reportable quantities in pounds of material for hazardous substances and curies of
material for radioactive substances. Reportable quantities are based on the release of
materials into the environment.
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