| DOE-EM-STD-5502-94
documentation are integrated into the SAR and HASP, then a separate document for
PSM is not needed.
Hazard Baseline Documentation Criteria for EM Radiological Facilities
Radiological facilities are those with an inventory of radiological materials below the
levels as defined in DOE-STD-1027-92, but above the reportable quantity (RQ) value
listed in Appendix B to Table 302.4 (per 40 CFR 302).
As stated in DOE-STD-1027-92:
" Radiological facilities are exempt from this Order (sic DOE 5480.23), but they are
not exempt from other safety requirements. . . Exemption from the requirements of
5480.23 does not excuse the contractors from doing analysis, where applicable to
evaluate potential significant radiation exposures to workers. . . Hazardous
chemicals in facilities are governed by DOE Orders 5480.4, 5480.10, 5481.1B, and
5483.1A, and accelerators are covered by DOE Order 5480.25."
Radiological facilities shall develop an auditable (defendable) safety analysis (similar to
a SAR but with much reduced content and requirements). An auditable safety analysis
A. Provides systematic identification of hazards within a given DOE operation; and
B. Describes and analyzes the adequacy of measures taken to eliminate, control,
or mitigate identified hazards.
Radiological facilities with hazardous waste activities require the development and
maintenance of a HASP. The HASP process shall incorporate the results of, or
document the ASA which may be integrated into the task analysis. Radiological
facilities with inventories of hazardous materials at or above 29 CFR 1910.119
thresholds or the levels specified in 40 CFR 355, Emergency Planning and Notification,
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