| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Assessment Schedule: Construct a schedule to identify major assessment events
and other pertinent information. The schedule should address, security/radcon
training, activity tour, in-brief by the team leader and activity manager, and the
assessment out-brief. Fax a copy to the activity POC.
If the requested activity-specific information and documentation has not yet
been received, request that the information be sent as soon as possible. Provide
copies of this information to all team members.
Meetings with the Team Leader: When necessary, but at least one week prior to
the assessment start date, meet with the team leader to discuss the status of
assessment preparations.
Meetings with the Assessment Team: When necessary, meet with the entire
team. Review the schedule and scope of the assessment. Ensure all team members
have copies of the activity information provided.
Final Team Meeting: Review the team schedule, scope of the assessment and
individual assignments. Ensure all team members have activity information
packages, assessment schedule, etc.
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