| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Points at which data is recorded, hold points are designated, and sign-off by another operator
or manager is required
To determine whether both versions are the same, assessors should review the change revision
status for several procedures used by operators. A listing of activity procedures usually provides
this information as does each individual procedure.
Finally, additional document reviews should be conducted to follow up observations. For
example, if during a third observation of the same procedure, the copy used by an operator did
not match what was observed during the first two observations, a follow up evaluation of the
procedure change and revision system may be necessary.
6.17 Assessing Operator Aid Postings.
6.17.1 Discussion. Operator aid postings provide information useful to operators in
performing their duties. The postings can take many forms; posted copies of procedures, graphs,
charts, system diagrams, handwritten notes, and information tags could all be operator aids.
The most difficult problem to overcome when assessing operator aid postings is consistently
determining what constitutes an operator aid. Operator aid postings "provide information useful
to operators in performing their duties." This statement is modified somewhat by guideline four,
Use of Operator Aids, which states "Operator aids should be viewed as a convenience to the
individual using them, not a requirement." These two statements generally define an operator aid,
but cannot be used consistently as a test because assessors must interpret this guidance. This may
result in the development of different opinions about what constitutes an operator aid.
A conclusive test must be developed to provide a consistent standard. Many postings in facilities
are required and controlled by other programs. Examples would include radiological control
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