| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
related training and qualification, respectively.
4.2.2 Documentation of programmatic breakdowns or widespread problems (concerns)
supported by individual items that do not meet requirements (findings). Field Element managers
shall ensure that the concerns resulting from operations assessments are documented by the
assessment team and supported by one or more findings. Identification of concerns will require
that assessment teams go beyond merely determining deviations from requirements to
understanding the status of the programs. Therefore, assessment teams should aggressively
evaluate the findings for underlying concerns. The process of developing concerns is described in
section 5.11.
4.2.3 Communication of concerns and findings to contractor management. Field Element
managers shall communicate the concerns and findings to contractor management. The Field
Element managers should ensure that the contractor receives the results of the assessments in a
timely manner so that prompt corrective action may be taken. Field Element managers may
deliver the results of an assessment to contractor management either verbally, in writing, or both.
4.2.4 Follow-up to verify concerns are corrected. After completion of an operations
assessment, Field Element managers shall follow up to verify concerns are corrected. Field
Element managers may verify that concerns are effectively corrected during subsequent
4.2.5 Utilization of assessment results as a factor in determining contractor monetary
incentives. Field Element managers shall utilize the results of operations assessments as a factor
in determining contractor monetary incentives. When determining contractor monetary
incentives, Field Element managers should consider the severity of concerns, completion of
corrective actions, and overall contractor progress.
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