| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
observations. Interviews with shift supervisors, activity managers, and operations supervisors
could include the following questions:
Can you remember encountering a process problem that could have been prevented if sample
results had been received earlier?
Do you expect your operators to conduct trend analysis?
How do you conduct trend analysis?
How do you ensure that operators understand the activity process?
What actions do you expect operators to take when an out of specification parameter is
After completing an interview, the information gathered should be evaluated to determine if there
are any apparent deviations from activity requirements. These leads can normally be validated or
disproved by using one or more of the following:
Tours with several more operators
Tours of the activity and interviews with shift supervisors
Interviews with technicians
Interviews with activity managers and operations supervisors
Reviews of operating and program procedures
Interviews with training department personnel
6.13.5 Document Review. A list of documents to be reviewed during the assessment should
be included in the assessment plan. Some will be reviewed during assessment planning; others
will be reviewed only if pursuing leads requires that they be examined. The list of documents
Emergency preparedness documents and safety analyses
Various administrative policies that detail operator responsibilities for trend analysis, out-of-
specification-parameter actions, activity-specific process training, etc.
Various key shift position roundsheets and logs
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