| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
section 6.21.2. Leads relating to specific elements of conduct of operations or the radiological
controls should be addressed by assessment team members responsible for those areas. The
following types of questions could be used to find out more about the drill program:
What type of initial training is provided for drill team members?
How are activity-specific drill scenarios developed? Are the scenarios realistic?
What are the responsibilities of the drill team coordinator?
What are the roles and responsibilities of drill team members?
Are there an adequate number of trained drill team members?
Explain the role of the drill program with respect to continuing training requirements.
What is the relationship between activity management, operations, and training departments
regarding drill development and scheduling?
How is a drill session evaluated?
Explain how drill critique lessons learned are promulgated.
When would a drill be terminated early? How is it accomplished?
How does the drill team communicate during a drill?
6.21.5 Document Review. Examples of documents that could be reviewed when assessing
drills include:
Activity drill schedule
Drill program implementing procedure
Training Implementation Matrix (TIM)
Activity drill guides and scenarios
Drill critique meeting minutes
Drill critiques from prior drills
Emergency plan
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