| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
6.1 Assessing Operations Organization and Administration (OPS O&A).
6.1.1 Discussion. The organization and administration of operations should ensure that a high
level of performance in DOE activity operations is achieved through effective implementation and
control of operational activities. A high level of performance in DOE operations is accomplished
by establishing high operating standards, by communicating operating standards to the working
level, by providing sufficient resources to the operations department, by ensuring personnel are
well trained, by closely monitoring performance in operations, and by holding workers and their
supervisors accountable for their performance in conducting evolutions.
6.1.2 Preparing to Assess OPS O&A. To develop an assessment plan for OPS O&A,
assessors should first review the activity-specific graded-approach document and determine which
guidelines are applicable at the activity. This will allow them to determine the scope of the
assessment and which applicable activity policies and procedures to review when developing the
assessment plan. Sections 5.4 and 5.8 provide a detailed explanation of assessment planning and
the use of assessment techniques.
OPS O&A provides the philosophical underpinning of Conduct of Operations. As such, OPS
O&A provides the framework for the management controls contained in sections 6.2 through
6.18. Because it is an all-encompassing section, OPS O&A should be continuously evaluated by
all assessors. All assessors should measure how well management has defined and communicated
their policies, how well working-level personnel understand and execute management's
expectations, and how management monitors operations. Assessors should continuously ask
themselves three questions:
Do workers know what is expected of them?
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