| ![]() DOE-STD-0028-96
"Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical
Agents and Biological Exposure Indices," published by the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) 6500
Glenway Ave. Bldg. D-7, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211-4438, latest revi-
sion. See also "Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and
Biological Exposure Indices," published by ACGIH, latest revision.
AEC 1968
"Meteorology and Atomic Energy, 1968," D. H. Slade, Editor, U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information,
Oak Ridge, TN, July 1968.
Alpen 1978
Alpen, E. L., "Magnetic Field Exposure Guidelines," Chap. 3 in
Proceedings of the Biomagnetics Effects Workshop, LBL-7452,
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (April 67, 1978).
Alpen 1979
Alpen, E. L., Letter to K. B. Baker (July 23, 1979).
Brynda 1986
Brynda, W. J., et al., Non-reactor Nuclear Facilities: Standards and
Criteria Guide, DOE/TIC-11603, BNL-51444, Rev. 1 (September
10 CFR 20
Code of Federal Regulations, "Standards for Protection Against
Radiation," Title 10, Part 20, "Radiation Dose Limits for Individual
Members of the Public," Subpart D, Washington, D.C., Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (May 21, 1991).
10 CFR 61
Code of Federal Regulations, "Licensing Requirements for Land
Disposal of Radioactive Waste," Title 10, Part 61, Washington, D.C.,
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (December 27, 1982, amended
August 15, 1991).
10 CFR 835
Code of Federal Regulations, "Occupational Radiation Protection,"
Title 10, Part 835, "Accidents and Emergencies," Subpart N;
"Occupational exposure limits for general employees," Sect.
835,202; "Facility design and modifications," Sect. 835.1002; and
"Emergency Exposure Situations," Sect. 835.1302, Washington,
D.C., U.S. Department of Energy.
29 CFR 1910
Code of Federal Regulations, "Occupational Safety and Health
Standards," Title 29, Part 1910.1000, "Air Contaminants,"
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