| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
mechanical design;
structural design;
earthquake resistant design;
selection of materials;
fabrication of equipment and components;
inspection of fabrication and installed safety-class items;
thermohydraulic and neutronic design;
electrical design;
design of instrumentation and control systems;
shielding and radiological protection;
fire protection;
inspection, testing, and maintenance as related to design;
cryogenic design;
magnetic system design;
vacuum system design;
For safety-class SSCs in fusion facilities for which there are no appropriate established
codes or design standards, an approach derived from existing codes and design standards for
similar equipment may be applied, or, in the absence of such codes and design standards, the
results of experience, tests, analysis, or a combination thereof may be applied. Either approach
should be justified. The approach should be shown to meet the intent of a recognized safety-
related code or design standard.
Where codes are available and applicable, SSCs that are not safety-class should be
designed, fabricated, inspected, and tested in accordance with a recognized national consensus
code for general construction such as (as an example for mechanical systems) ANSI 1993a.
a. Structural Design Considerations
DOE 1989 states that safety-class SSCs shall be designed to the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (ASME 1992), Section III or other comparable safety-related codes. For
structural design of safety-class SSCs using ASME 1992, the complex nature of many fusion
components may require specific analysis under the alternate design rules of Section III, Class 1
or 2 or the comparable elements of Section VIII, Division 1 or Division 2 for pressure vessels. In
defining a comparable code to ASME Section III, the use of ASME Section VIII is acceptable if
additional standards are provided in areas such as attached valves, pumps, piping and
supports, enhanced QA, and radiation effects that are comparable to relevant parts of Section
III. In general, a detailed comparison should be made between ASME, Section III and the
comparable code to be used to design safety-class SSCs to demonstrate actual comparability.
This code comparison should be performed early in the design phase and should be endorsed
by the controlling authority to ensure the design product will be acceptable for construction.
Finally, the actual stamping of a vessel designed, fabricated, inspected, and tested to ASME
Section III or VIII is not addressed by this Standard and is considered to be a decision between
the owner, fabricator, and the controlling authority. Table 6.1 provides general recom-
mendations for use of design codes for various mechanical components.
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