| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
The safety-class electrical systems should have I&C elements to monitor and ensure the
necessary parameters for normal operation and for off-normal conditions, in accordance with
IEEE Standard 603 (IEEE 1991).
d. Backup power generation
Safety-class backup power supplies should comply with the requirements of U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (USNRC) Regulatory Guide 1.9 and IEEE Standard 387. Provisions
should be made for auto/manual synchronizing each emergency/backup power source to its
respective bus for periodic testing during normal facility operation.
The manufacture and testing of safety-class diesel generators should comply with nation-
ally recognized ANSI Standards C50.10 and C50.12, NEMA Standard Publication MG-1, and
IEEE Standards 115 and 386.
e. Switch gear and load centers
Safety-class electrical equipment with 480 V or higher should comply with IEEE Stan-
dards 323 (IEEE 1983) and 344 (IEEE 1987). Fault calculations should be in accordance with
the latest issue of ANSI Standards C37.010 and C37.13.
All switch gear and load centers should be located indoors if possible.
Direct Current Systems
The safety-class dc power systems should be of adequate size to provide control and
switching power to safety-class systems and components in addition to safety-class dc loads.
The dc systems should operate ungrounded.
All batteries and chargers should have sufficient capacity to comply with IEEE Standard
308 (IEEE 1980). Battery capacity determinations should be in accordance with the method of
IEEE Standard 485. Restoration of the battery from the design-minimum charge state to the fully
charged state should be within the time period stated in fusion safety analysis.
g. Vital instrumentation and control power supply
If the fusion facility safety analysis requires systems of vital instrumentation and controls,
emergency or backup power supply to these systems should be by independent and
ungrounded power supplies. Each vital ac power supply should consist of an invertor, distribu-
tion panel, and manual transfer switch.
h. Motors
All safety-class motors should comply with NEMA Standard MG-1 and other applicable
USA and ISC standards for sizing, manufacturing and testing. The sizing of all motors should
ensure operation within the temperature limits given in NEMA Standard MG-1.
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