| DOE-STD-6003-96
3.3.2 Environmental Compliance Scheduling
Environmental review planning is an integral part of "phased compliance," that is, a com-
prehensive, integrated environmental compliance strategy (DOE Order 4700.1); a sample
schedule is shown in Fig. 3.1. The strategy is characterized by
a. conducting the environmental evaluations and consultative environmental reviews
during the conceptual or preliminary design phase,
b. completing the NEPA documentation process prior to commencement of full detailed
design, and
c. submitting permit applications and coordinating permit reviews with the detailed
design phase.
Delayed compliance can result when inadequate attention is given to environmental
requirements early in the design phase. In many instances, the permitting authority will not
begin review of permit applications until at least a draft NEPA document has been circulated.
Delay of the NEPA document, therefore, can delay start of construction and make the NEPA
document and other environmental review processes critical path items.
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