| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
c. Establish an organization that is responsible for the training and qualification of facility
personnel. The duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and authority of training organi-
zation personnel should be documented and clearly defined.
d. Establish training and qualification criteria for contracted personnel used in facility
Training and qualification requirements for DOE nuclear facilities are specified in DOE
Order 5480.20, Personnel Selection, Qualification, Training, and Staffing Requirements at DOE
Reactor and Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities. The reference section for Chapter 4 provides a
listing of guidance documents that may be useful in developing the site-specific training and
qualification programs. Facility Training Plan
The facility training plan is the document that provides the overall description of facility
staffing, training, qualification, and certification programs. This plan should be prepared to
address the following:
a. initial and continuing training programs, including maintenance of training;
b. training and qualification programs for personnel who require formal qualification and
certification; and
c. examination program requirements for qualification and certification.
The facility training plan should be supplemented, as needed, with written procedures that
address, as a minimum: examination and operational evaluation development, approval, secu-
rity, administration, and maintenance; administration of medical requirements; and record
keeping requirements. Personnel Selection and Staffing
Each facility should establish a process for the selection and assignment of personnel.
The personnel selection process should include an evaluation of their education, experience,
previous training, and existing job skills and capabilities. It is the responsibility of management
to assure that personnel assigned to a specific job function have the requisite background
and/or receive sufficient qualification training for the job.
The following categories of facility staff are identified as requiring training, qualification, or
certification to perform job functions:
a. operators and their supervisors,
b. experimenters,
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