| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
activities, the correction of existing problems, the minimization of risks to the environment or
public health, and anticipating and addressing potential environmental problems before they
threaten the quality of the environment or public welfare. DOE Order 5400.1 describes the envi-
ronmental monitoring required to demonstrate compliance with environmental laws and
The Waste Minimization Crosscut Plan (SEN-37-92, March 13, 1992) was implemented
by the DOE Secretary of Energy in accordance with the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990. This
plan identifies key objectives and strategies for the Department's achievement of excellence in
waste minimization.
The Environmental, Safety, and Health Appraisal Program (DOE Order 5482.1B) estab-
lishes the program to evaluate the protection of the environment and the health, and safety of
the public. This Order also establishes criteria for a safe and healthful work place for employees
of the DOE and the DOE contractors.
The Environmental Protection, Safety, and Health Protection Information Reporting
Requirements (DOE Order 5484.1) establish the requirements and procedures for the reporting
of information having environmental protection, safety, or health protection significance for DOE
Operations. The Order identifies accidents and incidents and provides instruction in the areas of
format and content of accident/incident investigation reports.
3.2 Federal and State Consultation, Permits, and Approvals
3.2.1 Federal Permits and Approvals
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) (40 CFR Part 61)
regulate substances that potentially will be emitted by fusion facilities, such as beryllium and
radionuclides. If the fusion facility will result in a predicted effective dose (ED) to a maximally
exposed member of the public equal to or greater than 1% of the standard for radionuclides [i.e.,
0.001 mSv/yr (0.1 mrem/yr)], a NESHAPS permit to construct (PTC) application must be
submitted prior to the initiation of construction to obtain the approval of the Regional
Administrator of the EPA. The EPA will provide notification of approval or intention to deny
approval of construction within 60 days after receipt of a complete application. After construction
of the fusion facility, the EPA must be notified of the anticipated date of initial start-up of the
source at least 30 days prior to that date and the actual date of initial start-up of the source
within 15 days after that date.
emission rate of any criteria air pollutant (carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, total
suspended particulates, photochemical oxidants, sulfur oxides, and lead) from routine opera-
tions of a stationary source is greater than 250 tons/yr. If necessary, a new PSD permit applica-
tion or a modification to an existing permit must be submitted to the appropriate state agency
before construction of a fusion facility.
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