| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
1.1 Purpose
This document provides guidance for the implementation of the requirements identified
in DOE-STD-6002-96, Safety of Magnetic Fusion Facilities: Requirements. This guidance is
intended for the managers, designers, operators, and other personnel with safety responsibili-
ties for facilities designated as magnetic fusion facilities. While the requirements in DOE-STD-
6002-96 are generally applicable to a wide range of fusion facilities, this Standard, DOE-STD-
6003-96, is concerned mainly with the implementation of those requirements in large facilities
such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). Using a risk-based
prioritization, the concepts presented here may also be applied to other magnetic fusion
facilities. This Standard is oriented toward regulation in the Department of Energy (DOE)
environment as opposed to regulation by other regulatory agencies. As the need for guidance
involving other types of fusion facilities or other regulatory environments emerges, additional
guidance volumes should be prepared. The concepts, processes, and recommendations set
forth here are for guidance only. They will contribute to safety at magnetic fusion facilities.
1. 2 Background
When the development of fusion facilities began changing from comparatively small-scale
experiments in physics to large facilities with megawatt-power levels and significant activation
concerns, a need to develop safety requirements and associated guidance for fusion became
apparent. Fusion systems are sufficiently different from other nuclear facilities that the require-
ments and regulations governing existing nuclear facilities are not fully appropriate for the regu-
lation of magnetic fusion facilities.
Efforts were begun to develop a group of documents that would be appropriate for safety
regulation in magnetic fusion facilities. The documents that resulted from that process consist
of a requirements document, DOE-STD-6002-96, Safety of Magnetic Fusion Facilities: Require-
ments, which attempts to assemble in one place those requirements needed for safety, and this
guidance document, which sets forth information that will assist fusion developers in meeting
those requirements.
The intent in this guidance document is to provide a fairly complete, though not exhaus-
tive, set of instructions that if followed will contribute to the achievement of safety. There has
been a conscious effort to include either directly or by reference those items that are germane
to safety so that the manager, designer, or operator will be able to clearly identify actions that
should be taken to meet the requirements using risk-based prioritization.
The guidance provided here represents the collective wisdom of a broad and diverse
group with experience in nuclear facility safety as well as with fusion. The concepts presented
are included not only because they have been applied successfully to other kinds of facilities,
but because they were deemed to make sense for fusion.
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