| DOE-STD-6003-96
Fusion facilities present unique situations for maintenance programs. As an example, a
program to control magnetic tools and materials around the tokamak is necessary to prevent
unexpected missiles during machine operations (due to magnetic fields). In addition, remote
maintenance will be used on some components. These actions add a complexity to the program
that must be controlled to assure safety.
Requirements for maintenance for DOE facilities are specified in DOE Order 430.1, Life
Cycle Asset Management. The reference section for Chapter 4 provides a listing of guidance
documents that may be helpful in developing the site specific maintenance program. Maintenance Policy, Goals and Objectives, and Procedures
Effective implementation and control of maintenance should be achieved by establishing
written standards for the scope, objectives, and conduct of maintenance; by defining responsi-
bilities; and by periodically observing and assessing performance commensurate with impor-
tance to safety.
The policies, goals, and objectives should address planning to establish a proactive main-
tenance program as opposed to reactive maintenance and to ensure that the maintenance activ-
ities for SSCs are consistent with their importance and function.
Goals for maintenance should be established in those areas that have the potential for
significant impact on plant safety. The goals should be directed toward improving or sustaining
equipment reliability and performance by effective maintenance in areas key to plant safety and
Procedures should be established and utilized as necessary for the conduct of mainte-
nance activities commensurate with the activities importance to safety. The maintenance proce-
dures should provide systematic guidance to the craftsman; should be technically correct, com-
plete, and up-to date; and should be presented utilizing sound human factors principles.
Radiological exposure control during maintenance activities should be considered in
developing procedures and work orders and in planning and scheduling maintenance. Health
physics personnel should be involved in the planning and execution of appropriate maintenance
work to ensure that personnel are not unnecessarily exposed and as-low-as-reasonably-
achievable (ALARA) goals are met. Plant Maintenance Organization
The management of maintenance should include a defined maintenance organization
with specific lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability. The management of mainte-
nance requires effective written and oral communication between the maintenance department
and other supporting groups such as operations, health physics, and engineering. Criteria for
selecting personnel with acceptable qualifications to perform their assignments are necessary
for effective staffing. The personnel qualification and training requirements should be specified.
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