| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
The RSAC (Wenzel 1993) code calculates the consequences of the release of radio-
nuclides to the atmosphere. A user can generate a radioactive inventory, decay and ingrow the
inventory during transport through process facilities and the environment, model the downwind
dispersion of the activity, and calculate doses to downwind individuals. Doses are calculated
through the inhalation, immersion, ground surface, and ingestion pathways.
The CAP-88 (Clean Air Act Assessment Package-1988) (Parks 1992) computer model is
a set of computer programs, data bases, and associated utility programs for estimation of dose
and risk from routine radionuclide emissions to air. CAP-88 must be used to show compliance
with 40 CFR 61.93(a) unless the EPA approves an alternate.
The CAP-88-PC software package allows users to perform full-featured dose and risk
assessments in a personal computer environment for the purpose of demonstrating compliance
with 40 CFR 61.93(a) for routine radionuclide releases to the air. CAP-88-PC provides the
CAP-88 methodology for assessments of both collective populations and MEIs. The complete
set of dose and risk factors used in CAP-88 is provided. CAP-88-PC used a modified Gaussian
plume equation to estimate the average dispersion of radionuclides released from up to six
sources. The sources may be either elevated stacks, such as a smokestack, or uniform area
sources, such as a pile of uranium mill tailings. Plume rise can be calculated assuming either a
momentum or buoyancy-driven plume. Assessments are done for a circular grid of distances
and directions for a radius of 80 km (50 miles) around the facility.
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