| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
Environmental considerations are summarized in Chapter 3. References to requirements
in the environmental area are listed here with annotations because such a listing is not readily
available from other sources.
Program management considerations to achieve safety are addressed in Chapter 4. As
indicated previously, the ultimate responsibility for safety lies with management. Integration of
safety in the design, operation, and site restoration all involve the implementation of safety-
related processes and a safety culture. In Chapter 4 the most significant of the tools available
for achievement of safety are discussed: configuration management, quality assurance, conduct
of operations, emergency planning, and tritium accountability.
A major area of involvement for safety professionals with management is in the prepara-
tion of safety analysis to evaluate the extent to which a given facility or design meets safety
goals. Chapter 5 of this Standard includes guidance on how to establish the facility hazard
classification; identify safety-related structures, systems, and components; develop technical
safety requirements; and deal with unresolved safety questions. A key concept in safety analy-
sis is the design basis and the associated requirements for approving facility operation. The
analysis process described in Chapter 5 makes use of that concept and indicates how various
off-normal event scenarios should be dealt with in the analysis.
Chapter 6 is the most comprehensive of the chapters. It addresses design requirements
and considerations for safety in design of fusion facilities. It begins with general design guidance
that applies to all systems; then systems performing safety functions are described with design
considerations to achieve those functions. Guidance is also provided for systems with potential
safety concerns. These systems are not required to operate to achieve safety, but their failure
may influence the levels of defense-in-depth available to the facility. Safety design guidance for
supporting systems (those systems that support those systems providing safety functions) is
also presented. The chapter concludes with guidance on safety in experimental systems and
facility support.
The final chapter in this Standard, Chapter 7, is concerned with facility removal and site
restoration. It provides guidance for returning the site of the fusion facility to its original condition
at the end of its useful life. Safety in this phase of the life cycle will be strongly influenced by
planning and design features that have been incorporated from the outset of the project.
Appendices in this Standard provide additional supporting information. Appendix A is a list
of isotopes for radiological considerations specific to fusion facilities. Appendix B is an overview
of hazards typically associated with magnetic fusion facilities. Appendix C supplements this vol-
ume with a listing of available orders, standards, and other documents appropriate to manage-
ment of projects within DOE and lists specific references cited in the text.
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