| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
requirements in the following laws: Clean Water Act for water quality standards
and effluent limitations, and Federal Clean Air Act, which set ambient air quality
EPA regulates the type and quantity of facility emission. EPA specifies the mea-
surement techniques for air emissions and must approve any requests for devia-
tions. EPA sets the limits for exposure to the public and the notification required
when certain quantities of radioactive materials are emitted. State laws usually
regulate the facility outfalls. State requirements are not uniform across the
2. Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements specify packaging requirements
that are dependent on the form and quantity of tritium. DOT must also approve
packaging containers when the radioactive material is transported on public
3. Waste storage requirements are in place when mixed hazardous waste may be
involved. The EPA administers the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA). In many cases this authority has been delegated to the state.
4. Waste disposal requirements are generally state specific.
5. 10 CFR 830 Nuclear Safety Rules and 10 CFR 835 Occupational Radiation
Protection apply to the radiological activities in a fusion facility. Because these
requirements are part of the U.S. law, they must be followed by each facility that
handles tritium or radioactive materials as applicable.
The details of the state requirements will not be discussed in this section because
they vary widely.
b. DOE Orders. DOE Orders are requirements placed on DOE facilities that define
operations and the methods of conducting business. DOE 5633.3B, "Control and
Accountability of Nuclear Materials" specified the minimum requirements and pro-
cedures based on the amount of tritium and the form of the tritium in a facility.
Important requirements from this order follow:
1. Tritium is protected, controlled, and accounted for as Category III or IV Special
Nuclear Material. The level of protection and control depends upon the form and
quantity of the tritium. The reportable transaction quantity is 0.01 g (~100 Ci).
2. Each facility must have a Materials Control and Accountability (MC&A) Plan. The
scope and content requirements for the plan are determined by the manager of
the DOE operations office.
3. DOE Order 5633.3B requires that tritium be inventoried biennially. Where feasible,
inventory values should be based on measured values.
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