| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
The facility description information must be an integral part of the safety analysis, but it is
possible to accomplish this by providing the information in nonsafety analysis sections of facility
documentation or even in totally separate documents, either of which would then be referenced
in the specific safety analysis discussions. The configuration control requirements applicable to
SARs would also apply to information referenced in the SARs but contained in other documents.
(See configuration control requirements of Chapter 4.)
5.1.2 Safety Structures, Systems, and Components
Safety structures, systems, and components (SSCs) implement the safety functions
associated with a facility. The two categories of safety functions associated with fusion facilities
are (1) public safety functions or essential characteristics needed to ensure the safety of the
facility and protection of the public and environment during operations and during and following
off-normal conditions; and (2) worker safety functions that ensure the health and safety of the
The public safety function for fusion is the confinement of radioactive and hazardous
material under normal and off-normal conditions. Potential public safety concerns related to
confinement include (1) ensuring afterheat removal, (2) providing rapid plasma shutdown,
(3) controlling of coolant internal energy, (4) controlling of chemical energy sources,
(5) controlling of magnetic energy, and (6) limiting air and water discharges from the facility.
Worker safety functions are related to worker hazards and routine releases. The issues
associated with the worker safety function that should be evaluated are (1) limiting occupational
exposure to radiation, (2) limiting the exposure to electromagnetic fields, and (3) controlling
other industrial hazards and hazardous materials.
It is recommended that the SSCs required to implement the public safety function should
employ the requirements imposed on systems defined as being safety-class SSCs in DOE 1994
(DOE STD-3009-94). The specific definition of a safety-class system is as follows:
Systems, structures, or components including primary environmental moni-
tors and portions of process systems, whose failure could adversely affect the
environment, or safety and health of the public as identified in the safety analysis.
The safety-class SSCs are associated with the public safety function of confinement that
protects the public and the environment from exceeding the radiological evaluation guidelines in
It is recommended that the SSCs that address potential safety concerns or are required
to protect the worker safety functions should employ the requirements imposed on systems
defined as being designated as safety-significant SSCs in DOE 1994 (DOE STD-3009-94). The
specific definition of a safety-significant system is as follows:
Structures, systems, and components not designated as safety-class
SSCs but whose preventive or mitigative function is a major contributor to
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