| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
cover any substance defined as hazardous under CERCLA (Superfund) and includes
underground tanks containing petroleum products.
2. Federal procurement guidelines. The EPA has established and published Federal
guidelines for several materials: building installation products containing recovered
materials; cement and concrete containing fly ash; paper and paper products contain-
ing recovered material; lubricating oils containing re-refined oil; and retreaded tires.
Particular attention should be paid to the cement and concrete guideline as it may
apply to the construction phase of the program. Major procurement actions for ser-
vices and materials for the fusion facilities should include specifications for the use of
recycled and recovered materials.
The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act and National Wildlife Refuge Systems Administra-
tion Act Permit Requirements include consultation with the FWS concerning project activities
that (1) may conflict with the protection and conservation purposes set by the National Wildlife
Refuge System (a permit may also be required); (2) may impact birds, especially migratory birds
on the site; and (3) may modify, control, or impound, due to construction activities, a body of
water greater than or equal to 10 acres. The State Administrator of wildlife resources must also
be consulted for (2) and (3).
In the Bald and Golden Eagles Protection Act, a Federal Fish and Wildlife License Permit
is required if upon investigation of the proposed site, a golden eagle's nest is found and must be
disturbed. A Federal Fish and Wildlife License Permit Application shall be submitted to the
Assistant Regional Director for Law Enforcement of the district in which the site is located. If a
permit is granted, the Director of Law Enforcement of the district in which the site is located shall
be notified in writing at least 10 days, but no more than 30 days, before any golden eagle nest is
taken. Any mitigation measures determined by the Director shall be complied with and a report
of activities conducted under the permit shall be submitted to the Director within 10 days follow-
ing the permit's expiration.
The Archaeological Resources Protection and National Historic Preservation Acts require
consultation with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation if a proposed project will impact
a site with historic/prehistoric ruins, monument, or object of antiquity, or a site on the National
Register of Historic Places.
The AIRFA provides the following guidance. If a project site falls into the category of a
Native American religious or sacred site, consultation is required with Native American leaders
to determine if the proposed action would infringe on constitutional rights or impact Native
American traditional religions.
3.2.2 State and Local Permits and Approvals
Specific state and local permitting and approval requirements may vary by location; how-
ever, general guidance is provided in the following sections.
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