| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
3. Allowances should be made for equipment movement so that, in performing
intended operations, safe distances can be maintained from personnel in normally
accessible work areas.
4. Equipment should be operated and stored in areas accessible, or that may be
made accessible, for testing, inspection, and maintenance. Where this is not pos-
sible, a means of safely retrieving the equipment to a safe area should be pro-
vided. This must include backup methods of safely disconnecting from radioactive
or other hazardous materials, for which the remote equipment is intended.
5. The operator should be provided a full view of the remote operation.
6. Equipment should fail safe upon the loss of motive power.
7. Features should be incorporated such that failure of one of the drive mechanisms
or any component of the equipment will not result in exposure of personnel to
excessive radiation while recovering from such failure.
8. Redundancy of critical controls should be provided to prevent single-mode control
failure of remote or robotic equipment causing unplanned or unanticipated equip-
ment motion.
9. The expected high levels of RF and magnetic interference potentially present
should not interfere with control systems or the normal operation of systems.
10. The presence of large quantities of cryogenic materials during both normal and
off-normal conditions must be considered in the design of remote equipment.
11. Design should consider radiation shields between the fusion device and the
remote-handling system components as necessary to reduce exposure to and
neutron activation of the system components.
b. Structural design
The design, fabrication, testing, and inspection of safety-class and safety-significant
remote-handling equipment should be in accordance with commercial codes and standards
applicable to that particular type of equipment. The majority of the systems and components
should be considered as non-safety-class and should be designed and fabricated to industrial
standard requirements.
Allowable design stresses in mechanical components should provide a safety factor of at
least 5 when under rated load. Brittle fracture and fatigue during all operation and testing condi-
tions should be design considerations.
Joint and weld details should be designed to prevent lamellar tearing.
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