| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
40 CFR 262.34(b)(f) provides specific allowances for a generator to store waste on-site for
greater than 90 days without a permit under certain limited circumstances. Otherwise, if treat-
ment residues are stored on site for 90 days or more, 40 CFR 265 requirements apply. Any
facility (on-site or off-site) designated for permanent disposal of hazardous wastes must be in
compliance with RCRA. Disposal facilities must fulfill permitting, storage, maintenance, and
closure requirements contained in 40 CFR Parts 264270. 40 CFR 264 Subparts F and S,
include requirements for corrective action for RCRA-regulated facilities. If treatment residues are
disposed of off-site, 40 CFR 263 transportation standards apply.
7. 4.3.5 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA) was enacted in response to the concern for the dangers of negligent hazardous
waste disposal practices in the past. This Act could apply to new facilities at the time of facility
shutdown if other regulations were violated which caused environmental damage or a threat to
public health.
7. 4.3.6 Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986
The Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA) deals primarily with the
reporting requirements for organizations handling hazardous materials.
7. 4.4 Mixed Waste Requirements
Various mixed (i.e., both chemically hazardous and radioactive) waste streams will be
produced by fusion facilities. These could include beryllium contaminated with tritium, activated
tungsten-rhenium mixtures, and dust produced on the first wall of the vacuum chamber. The
requirements for the disposal are now being formulated and will be included in this Standard
when developed.
7. 5 Requirements on Low-Level Waste Repository
The requirements for the LLW Repository itself are given in 10 CFR 61. The design of the
repository is outside the scope of this Standard.
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