| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
For comparison with the evaluation guidelines, only plume passage dose is evaluated.
Plume passage dose includes the following pathways: (1) direct cloudshine and (2) 50-yr CED
from inhalation for the duration of plume passage. These pathways are considered an immedi-
ate threat. Other slow-developing pathways are not included because they are a measure of the
effectiveness of public health measures (e.g., interdiction) rather than the severity of the acci-
dent itself. If dose is evaluated on public access roads that are not controllable by the licensee,
the time of exposure to the plume should be based on realistic vehicle passage time estimates.
2.2.1 Evaluation Guidelines for Exposures to the Public
The following goals and requirements have been established in DOE-STD-6002-96 for
exposures to the general public during normal and anticipated operational occurrences and for
off-normal conditions and accidents. The origin of each of the limits follows Table 2.1.
Evaluation guidelines for public exposures to nonradiological materials should be in
accordance with federal, state, and local regulatory and permit requirements.
TABLE 2.1. Evaluation guidelines for public protection from radiation
Fusion radiological
Regulatory limit
release requirement
(evaluation guidelines)
Normal and anticipated
100 Sv/yr
1 mSv/yr
[10 mrem/yr]a
[100 mrem/yr]b
operational occurrences
Off-normal conditions (per
10 mSv
250 mSv
[1 rem]c
[25 rem]d
(no public evacuation)
value, which is a limit for the MEI, is consistent with the limit on the emissions of radionuclides to
the ambient air for DOE facilities as stated in 40 CFR 61.92. In meeting this limit, a facility would be well
below the exposure limit mandated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) safety goals for
nuclear facilities (51 FR 30028) and the DOE safety goals. Both of these goals, which consider the
average exposure to the population within 10 miles of a facility, state that the risk to the population
resulting from nuclear operations should not exceed 0.1% of the sum of all cancer fatality risks resulting
from all other causes. The radiological cancer risk coefficient is about 0.4%/0.1 Sv for long-term
exposures (BEIR-V, p. 6), and the annual cancer fatality risk due to all causes is about 200/100,000
people. If we conservatively assume that the site-boundary to average exposure ratio is 2, then the
routine exposure limit should be
(0.1%) (200 per year/100,000 people) (0.1 Sv/0.4%) (2) = 0.1 mSv/yr = 10 mrem/yr.
value is based on the 10 CFR 20.1301 dose limits on individual members of the public.
cThis requirement is based on the limit in the Protective Action Guideline (PAG) (EPA 1991) at which
public sheltering and evacuation should be undertaken.
dThis is the required limit for exposure due to an accident. This value is based on the design basis
acceptance criteria for nuclear reactor siting in 10 CFR 100.
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